Wednesday, October 7, 2020

A School Where Students Play To Learn

At Emaan International School, our children both learn to play and play to learn. Playing is an effective way to learn and master new knowledge and skills. In fact, both the logical and the imaginative co-exist seamlessly in the minds of children. Unfortunately, this reality has not always been appreciated and understood by educationists. In the 1970s, some educationists warned of the dangers of the interaction of puppets and human beings in TV programmes. It was believed that such intermingling would cause children to be confused about what is real and imaginary. However, today, no one worries about this anymore because the interaction of puppets with real humans is common.

Play is a natural part of a child's life. At Emaan International School, we see its value and we protect children's playtime. To us, it is just a natural part of our schooling system. 


A School Where Students Play To Learn

At Emaan International School, our children both learn to play and play to learn. Playing is an effective way to learn and master new knowle...